Monday 7 March 2016

Physical Exercise Proven to be Effective for Urinary Incontinence

Physical exercise (PE) and pelvic floor muscle (PFM) training have been proven to be effective for urinary incontinence. New studies are channeled towards this direction and results showed a great improvement on women who engaged in (PFM) and (PE).  Several women are affected by urinary incontinence which causes have been associated to child birth, obesity and age of the women. 

Recently Dr. Elizabeth Kovaler, a urology specialist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City  conducted a study and the result showed that women who had vaginal delivery are likely to be affected with urinary incontinence and advice doctors to let the patient decide the type of delivery they want bearing in mind the risks in cesarean section as well.  

"It is important that women have all of the potential risks and complications of vaginal delivery versus C-section available, so that they and their physician can make the best decision for the mother and the baby," she said. 

With the increase in urinary incontinence among women more studies like Dr. Ege of  University Izmir Ataturk School of Health, Izmir, Turkey, becomes highly relevant and a source of hope for women who have had vaginal delivery or would like their babies to be delivered through vaginal delivery. According to him, '' an 8-week trial of PFM training significantly increased PFM strength, improved quality of life, and reduced the frequency of UI episodes'' he said.

His study observed a total number of 41 women and some were taught '' muscle training included 3 sets of daily fast and slow contractions in lying, sitting, and standing positions. Participants were also taught the knack,''he said. The age of the two groups were almost similar all between 41 to 44. The PFM group showed a good improvement after 8 weeks. ''  A significant differences in the 1-hour pad test, episodes of leakage in 3-day bladder diary, PFM strength, and I-QOL scores (P = .01) were noted when participants in the PFM training group were compared to control group participants'', he said. 

We further examine another new research on the same topic and the researchers too shared similar opinion . Dr Stan believes physical therapy (PT)  will be appropriate for urinary incontinence ( UI). They studied 48 women who had UI and 24 of them were placed on Physical therapy. He reported his observation as follows '' after a 12-week course of PT once per week for UI, PT group participants had a 75% reduction in weekly median number of leakage episodes, whereas the control group's condition had no improvement. At 1 year, the PT group participants maintained this improvement,''  he said. Their study however focused on  urinary incontinence in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis or low bone density. 

 (Culled via Emobile Clinic)

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