Thursday 17 March 2016

Chemically Packaged Consumables can Reduce IVF Success

Chemical consumption by ways of consuming packaged can drink, bottle water, are becoming controversial and experts are beginning to link this to infertility.The chemicals use in making these packs have a way of getting into the food. This has been proven to be presence in everyone who is exposed to it.

A fertility awareness counselor said ” it’s not only mental desire you have around creating a life, but a very deeply physical, primal and biological urge, and these women are dealing with this on all levels ”– Sarah Bly. It is a most painful state for any women wanting, waiting and nothing is happening , she says. She emphasizes the importance of avoiding chemical in your  homes and in the diet.
As published in scientific American, a recent research shows that women using fertility treatments should avoid exposure to ubiquitous chemical and bisphenol-A as these might prevent pregnancy. These are chemical products found in some can foods and beverages, paper receipts and dental sealants. These chemical have the ability to penetrate into the food contents as it is present in almost everyone’s urine. It has also been proven to impact cell division in ovaries and known to alter menstrual cycle. Another study by a group of scientists ‘review of the chemical’  declared that these chemicals are ‘ovarian toxicant’ as well as ‘uterine toxicant’.

Jorge E, Chavaro also in his study of 239 IVF women noticed that only 17% of women with high exposure to BPA got pregnant , while 54 percent of women with minimal exposure to BPA got pregnant in the IVF cycle. His Study further reveals that Soy has the components to reduce the effect of BPA on infertility. According to him, ”soy food intake may protect against the adverse reproductive effects of BPA. As these findings represent the first result suggesting a potential interaction between soy and BPA in humans ” this is as published in Jornal of clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. An associate professor from University of Missouri by the name Wade Welshons said ”one study after the other shows BPA exposure leads to one adverse effect after another ” 

The question is what are the relevant authorities doing with these information.  In U. S. for instance, Food and Drug Addministration maintains that the amount of these chemicals in the food packed will not constitute any threat to life. FDA are of the opinion that BPA doesn’t stay long in the system to have been able to constitute any health hazard and experts are saying ” they need to stop pretending that there is no human BPA exposure”. Another study from Boston, observed 174 women undergoing IVF and found higher success rate of 24% among women with lower exposure to BPA. The researchers noted that BPA concentration was found in the urine of these women which was linked to the eventual decrease in the cell that matures eggs. 

The lead researcher Ehrlich S William of department of environmental health, Harvard School of Public Health said ”higher urinary BPA concentration were found to be associated with decreased ovarian response, number of ferterlized oocytes and decreased blastocyst formation ” as published in pubmed. Another unexpected result is a study that proves that the presence of BPA in the body reduces estrogen as he noticed among 44 IVF women in 2011, according to the author Fertil Sterile of University of Albany, State University of New York: ” Bisphenol A associated with a reduced E(2) response during IVF”. Another study also published in pubmed by Bloom MS, also found out that BPA presence in male can equally affect the quality of the embryos. 

According to scientific American, FDA has turned down various attempt to address this issue by Environmental Health News. In Nigeria for instance, we all know what is obtainable here and many people are still unaware of this risk and fertility; let alone being addressed by appropriate agency. 

Recognizing the packs with BPA could be difficult here, but staying off these robbers and cans pack is something you can plan until after pregnancy is achieved. 

(Culled from

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